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Title: De-Centering of Western Hegemomy in Orhanpamuk's The New Life
Authors: Sharma, Pradip
Aryal, Narayan Prasad
Keywords: Bus travel
M.A. English
Abstract: This research vent out decentralization concept on the basis of sub-verting traditional concept of logo centrism. In societies, however, some individuals dominance and superior concept is just only traditional belief of western people. When the protagonist reinforce the psychological change which gave him real happiness but most of the characters doesn't get any satisfaction in New life. The more interesting thing is osman begins the journey to Turkey but he doesn't find any happiness and newness rather than the natural world is destroying by the artificial world. In other words, east west dichotomy is not the natural distinction but artificial one made by human beings. Western countries have advanced in material things but they loss spirituality. The New life begins the change in logo centrism concept because the characters shows no one is superior and inferior rather than everyone can choose the path of freedom. The invention of several new technologies make people happy but they are very back in spiritual life and humanity. The materialistic life of western people is far better than spiritual world. The concept of superiority and inferiority have created hierarchy by dehumanizing each other. Moreover, the conflicts of east and west can be observed in terms of disintegration of irresponsible concepts of eastern towards western dichotomy.
Appears in Collections:Theses

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